Shifting Sands

I'm working on a few changes to the YouTube channel. With the recent vlogs on E3, I'm trying to express opinion, but I don't know if that's where they belong. I feel like people go to my channel for some reason, but what?

If it's my opinion, then the vlogs fit perfectly and let me engage with my audience. But if it's for a different reason, then I have no idea.

I'm thinking a lot to myself of all these things. Life's throwing me curve balls, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to continue batting.

Yooka-Laylee - Voice Chat - Frank Gamer (feat. Super Pawsitive)

Yooka-Laylee is in the news for it's quick funding on Kickstarter and obvious ties to the Banjo-Kazooie series. In this episode of Voice Chat, Paul (aka Super Pawsitive) talks with me about Yooka-Lalylee and what this could mean for the future of both Banjo-Kazooie and the collect-a-thon platformer itself.

If you liked this video check out my video "Human Nature in Mass Effect?"

Human Nature in Mass Effect? - Frank Gamer (feat. New Age Gam3rs)

My newest video featuring the New Age Gam3rs.

Mass Effect has a TON of interesting content, least of which is it's portrayal of human nature. So, with that in mind, check out what we have to say about it...

Voice Chat - Valve's Paid Mods Controversy (feat. FPSDiesel)

Paid mods are in the news right now because of Valve's mistake in approaching them. But can they be done right, and will they be? Should they be?

I talk with FPSDiesel on that very issue on this episode of Voice Chat:

Five Facts - Mortal Kombat Character Origins - Frank Gamer

My Mortal Kombat video on the character origins of various characters. I hope you find it as interesting as I did!